American White Pelican
My guess is they had spent the night there, and as the sun rose higher, it would be a matter of minutes before they left. I set up my mono-pod and positioned myself down from them in anticipation of their flight.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
I didn't take long as the first one took flight and flew right in front of me. I tracked this one as it rose above the water and headed out of the area.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
This one broke away from the group and flew along the top of the water. I was ready, and luckily, I got a few water drops trailing the Pelican.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
These two also broke away from the group, and the first one flew along the top of the water. The second one rose above the water with fully extended wings.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
This group of Pelicans were the last left, and I caught this one just as it took flight. I thought it was interesting as it left the group, as the rest stayed still.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
Watching the Pelicans rise above the water, this one took a little different direction and then turned and flew right towards me.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
I was able to capture this one as it rose higher into the clear blue morning sky.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
The White Pelicans, with their white body and black-tipped wings, are graceful as they fly.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
I liked this one with the blue sky and green trees below the Pelican.

American White Pelican FujiFilm H2s Nikon 500 PF
Interestingly, this whole series of photos lasted about an hour. Some of the other photographers said this happens regularly.
I then walked to the river inlet where the river flows into the lake to check on the Spoonbills that looked like they might have been building nests a few weeks ago. To my surprise, there were a lot more...to be continued...
Photography should be fun! It's not about the phone or camera brand you're using. Remember, your best photographs result from one thing, making an effort to get out and shoot.
Comments are always welcomed.