Backyard Sandhill Cranes

One of the things my sister Karen and I have in common is our love for photography. We especially like to shoot wildlife photos, and the Sandhill Crane is at the top of the list.
One of the things my sister Karen and I have in common is our love for photography. We especially like to shoot wildlife photos, and the Sandhill Crane is at the top of the list.
My sister Karen from Traverse City, MI. recently visited us, and the first place she wanted to see was the Venice Rookery.
This small park is a rookery island where birds roost and nest. Its natural beauty is surrounded by urban development.
We had family in from Michigan, and I took them to Myakka State Park.
We’ve been busy settling in our house in Punta Gorda, FL. I finally took some time to visit Myakka State Park.
I took one of my grandsons to Myakka River State Park to see some wildlife, and we watched as a Great Egret caught an eel.
It was a beautiful sunny morning, and I re-visited Myakka River State Park to check on the progress of the nesting Spoonbills.
It was a beautiful sunny morning, and a flock of American White Pelicans was floating just off the shoreline.