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2021 Favorite Wildlife Photos

I'm a little late showing "MY" favorite wildlife photographs from 2021. I don't have a #1 photograph. Looking through thousands of wildlife photos I took last year; each has its own story.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/1000sec @ F/6.3 +1

Osprey searching for its next meal in a tree top at the Big Tree area.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F6.3 +1⅓

Blue Heron in flight over its nest at Brooks Park, Rockport TX.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F/6.3 +1⅔

Reddish Egret hunting for food along the coast.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F/6.3 + ⅓

Brown Pelican up close and personal.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F/6.3 +1

Black-bellied Whistling Duck in flight over a small pond across from the The Big Tree.


Fuji X-T4 Sigma 100-600 600mm/500sec @ F6.3 Bleach Bypass Film Simulation

Ring-billed Gull at Padre Island National Seashore.


Fuji X-T3 Sigman 150-600 324mm/125sec @ F6.3

Blue Heron in flight at sunrise.


#9 Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F/6.3 -1

Whooping Crane and Blue Heron having a territorial issue.


Fuji X-T3 Sigma 150-600 600mm/2000sec @ F/6.3 +⅔

Snowy Egret looking for some food.

Please leave a comment below and tell me your favorite 2021 wildlife photo. Thank you for following my blog, and I hope you enjoyed my journeys.

Photography should be fun! It's not about the phone or camera brand you're using. Remember, your best photographs result from one thing, making an effort to get out and shoot.

Comments are always welcomed.


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